Thursday, December 1, 2022


Welcome To Reality ...

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-- A Short Story Too Long To Tell --

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This Century's {Science} Reality base is continually being reinforced and forcefully founded in a faulty external intrinsically objective existence processes that are interwoven within a faulty internal extrinsically subjective inter/intra-mental construct existence whereupon each sustaining existence negates the fragments of a once perceived and unobstructed Universal Reality that are/were neither suppressed, nor curtailed; implied or inferred, nor misused. That is;


This newly created faulty reality is to maintain a one-reality-fits-all reality, whereupon:

1.      One of the many unavoidable implications and ramifications of continually clinging to a fragment of a once perceived unobstructed Universal Reality is the constant reinforced and forced negating of the Universal Reality thereby allowing the false mental construct to push into the sense realm of asking is what we forcibly perceive individually and collectively accept under the various societal reward, and punishment, restraints, equals a life question or a futile life statement. Thus,


a.      These implications and ramifications take us away from the realm of asking other than speculation, what is the more exact meaning of life given that all species observed supposedly live and die and during that span between living and dying do nothing more than eat, sleep and maybe observe the other species whereupon there is a projecting upon those observed species a purpose, albeit a manufactured purpose.


b.      Consequently, humanity {such as it is defined in this constructed reality} continually constructs a sense of purpose for being; although all evidence points to no other use than that which other species on this planet share that again is eating, sleeping, reproducing and dying, {(we leave out living here since life is yet to be qualitative beyond the acceptable senses whereas death has been quantitative as a before and after representative value)}.


2.      All of which propagates the many why type of questions such as why has humankind thought that it is resisting death by subscribing to a concept of an instinct to live, survive if you will, for a something or other as an intercept in existence; or purpose, question or a statement and/or a solution in life for being that has yet to overcome the faulty external intrinsically objective existence interwoven within a faulty internal extrinsically subjective inter/intra-mental construct existence.


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The intercept in the first falsity: An Individual and collective acceptance of ego, superego, and id self-base reality-simply put what is Being, what is Being within, and what is Being outside of an unobstructed Reality. This intrinsically objective dual existence coupled and interwoven within an extrinsically subjective inter/intra-mental construct occurred during Humankind’s prescribed actualization into this falsely dual interwoven life processes where both the human objective and its subjective self-consciousness were allowed to be constructed - - continually incentivized through self-psychological-societal self-vested punishments and/or rewards thus fostering and accepting both individually and collectively a false humanity {universally} imbedded negation construct that just function as the means to distort and disguise the flawed self-created reality- - that being again; the individual and collective ego, superego and id which has now manifested into the present Twenty-First Century maintenance of and in a debilitating base reality acting as the sole answer to what is now an unrealistic yet forcibly maintain a false sense of the truer Universal Reality.


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Enculturation In the Twenty-First Century Reality Sciences along with its punishment/reward inherent processes which individually and/or collectively administers forced punishment while at other times such processes are individually and/or collectively rewarded thus disallowing the individual and/or a collective the acceptance of this unfragmented and unobstructed actualization existence in the real consciousness of an instance - - consequently, did and does establishes the self-reflected Id, Ego, Super Ego in-self and humanity with juxtaposition legal, metaphysical, philosophical, political, psychological, religion, and social guises which are embedded and forcibly maintained, and/or, at best; inserted futile realities of/and/in an existence(s) in self-limits and at worst self-imposed realities lacking absolute truisms beyond the self-created human perceptions of a hierarchy of an absolute {which does not exist in the Universal} reality of a "might makes right" upon others, and other things; for example, …’ living to a hundred is easy; wanting to live to a hundred is difficult.’ Perhaps, better put The Sanctity of Reality: Twenty-First Century Science-based perceptional reality and Universe is self-perceived internally and externally veneer to maintain the esoterica self which is achieved through self-limited and self-imposed restricted realities, which results in the only workable actuality of being is the existence of a self/collective imposed, continually forced, distorted, constricted and restricted reality, that can then only be manifested, sustained and reinforced in a false exoteric self-collective consciousness which eliminates esoterically the when and if questions of why, when and how—thus, eliminating instances of where—we were to allow the instances of the Universal Reality—of what is Being, and what is Being within and what is Being outside of an unobstructed Reality, thus, The Sanctity in Reality.


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...,This fretted and now forcibly false self-collective consciousness is erected and maintained outside of the unobstructed Universal Reality - - intertwined within the psychological and societal acceptance and adoption of the period (.) - - as a time delimit, and, as the article 'the' becoming thee only correct perceptional form of expression. Thus, the first assumption of evidence is the limits of thought.


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The psychosocially second falsely held assumption is infinity is not a consciousness when coupled with the choices that create and displays an individuality and/or collective self-invested - - sense of worth - - This falsely held assumption evokes either a societal reward when blindly accepted and/or an individual rebuke and punishment from society when confronted by the individual or the group that the individual states claim in as a member, which is then supported through the formula for an existence that equates to a 'better than them' type in self-esteem - - i.e., whereby one measures one's individuality and/or collective worthiness by his or her distance from those they believe is/are below them in all human measurable categories: Subsequently, establishing the baseline that sustains a reinforcement in all past, present and future psychological observational and experimental rules for the acceptance-rewards and/or the societal punishment through the reinforcement of the psychological and societal logic and not the objective and subjective negation of this current self/collective-conceived theoretically observed universe which then allows time and light to act as scientific measurements in a Universal Reality.


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Let’s take the moment to enumerate some of those additional sustaining assumptions that create the same predictable results in both one’s psychological and societal collective roles of acceptance-rewards which are then further reinforced through one’s psychological and societal collective role in and during reinforcement of any and all punishments for either upholding the supporting and/or failing to support a self-defeating enculturation reality that is both fostering psychologically and societal supportive instances of God being comprehended: Thus, not allowing a series of persistent enculturation bombardments in the enforced rewards and punishments process of negating both psychologically and societal God exist - - before and beyond an 'all-ness' and a 'nothing-ness': In addition, to the possibility neither all and nothingness exists; burying the truth that there are no truths in the Twenty-First Century Science base reality understanding of a fact founded in an unobstructed Universal Reality - - other than where thought is both an individual and collective human self-defining reflective process; Which in and of itself verifies that God cannot be either objectively reflective or subjectively reflective - - as well as creates an and/or verification that we cannot be created of and/or in His/Her/Its' images - - which inadvertently verifies God before and beyond thought - - and, of course, one of the many caveats here would be that God would be faster and far more reaching than the speed of light - - which then reinforced and verified that God could not be comprehended; thus, God is everything, but, everything is not God the juxtaposition tail end for the question Is This Life Worth Living and if so for who and by whom?


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While in the connecting of the dots: sort to speak, if you will, before we get ahead of ourselves…in the Twenty-First Century reality the Humanity’s claim is still being made that [approximately] 97% of the Universe, as Humanity knows the Universe to be, is dark-lacking among other things; light and sound, distance and height, mass, volume, and patterns. Yet, here we go again, Humanity’s Twenty-First Century reality continues to make numerous factual decisional claims about the Universe as a whole based on Humanity’s Twenty-First Century self-based perceptional reality understanding of, from and in the [approximately] 3% of light, which simply overlooks, so as to negate, the constantly conscience Universal perceptional reality which states there is no you without me, however, there is me without you.


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These types of non-factual--[We have agreed that fact and factual are in a sense(s) of being Universal Certainties and Actualities versus humankind’s claim of universal practicalities and realities]--decisional claims have pushed humankind into three of the fatal flaws in humanity's Twenty-First Century reality: That being; accepting light as a measurement of time; light being among the fastest element in {mankind's} reality and light being a constant - - that is, each of these flaws are negating time and light Universal Actualization - - (self) consciousness - - (self) comprehension - - (self) existence, if you will - - Or, to put it in other words: Mankind's conception and perception of light are both that of being an element of time, and an element of distance, but not (self) consciousness, which is further distorted when mankind allow both light and time to be a universal observable and acceptable fact—so as to set up a crystal clarity, for the moment, let us overlook humanities’ faulty makeshift reality used in negating and/or for accepting; rather, the choice to take the actuality assumption of a nothing into something had to exist for humanities’ reality; which is to say, an after existence had to have a before existence {please let us not get stuck here in a by definitional type of argument}; or, this occurrence notion before that event type of understanding has to exist in humanities’ foundational reality for a universal perspective that is accepting claims on any kind of reality fundamental.


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Allowing, subsequently, humankind's conceptions and perceptions of light being time and distance {[--Each an artificial mental construct, existing only within the artificial 21st Century self/collective-defined reality, whereas, both humankind's conception and perception have a nonexistence within a Universal Reality--]} among other things— which enhances the concepts of separations, distinctions and/or measurable(s) in mankind’s falsely held conceptions and perceptions as actually existing in a Universal Reality, which; in and of itself allows for both the creation and maintenance of rewards and punishments within a hierarchy, and, the structural steps within the hierarchy which would have to be established by a someone or by something within and during the between a measurable something and referenced and, thus, a judgment rendered thereby forcing not only the hierarchy creation and maintenance but ensures that there is only one Universe--to sustain and protect the hierarchy--, and this is it; which is then invariably bounded through psychological and societal constraints that our only abilities to fully understand a reality is and will be via the ordain created and maintained hierarchy of senses, and that deductive and inferential reasons are both human self-hierarchy reasoning abilities and thus innately universal and must be coupled with the accepting and punishing for not supporting that time, light and our senses of comprehension are Universal.


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The existence in this type of reality leave us with the humanity generated self-vested concept programs that can only exist within a 'maybe if type of sense type of reality', that can either only foster, enhance or forbade a reality that does not limit the concept of exceeding and/or existing beyond and before the speed of light as a conscious law in Nature, thus, negating an element/attribute of an unobstructed reality allowing the individual and/or humanity as a whole an answer to such questions as Why exist in and be governed by x number of scientifically personality known types that are easily manipulated in terms of wants and needs; 'Why be a Star when you can be a Universe', i.e., why live in a restricted, self-defined, or, defined by others reality when you can exist in an unobstructed, unadulterated reality [that undiluted fact being a reality devoid of humanities’ self-comprehension, self-understanding, self-limits, self-restrictions, self-suppressions; i.e., devoid of misleading and utterly false humanities’ conditional senses of, in, or about an Id, Ego, and Super-ego wherein each maintains the perpetual false, defined, self-limits …. In physically, psychologically, and, of course, self-soul-spirit {or what other socially, individualist and or collective misperception you feel comfortable placing here to fill the blanks} wherein and/or/neither concepts can state or show a baseline for the origin of thought other than thought being an individual’s memories or present memories, and/or a juxtaposition of such memories with that of humanities collective memories and/or present awareness of such memories, all of which creates, maintain and reinforces the self-vested, self-interest, self-punishing, self-rewarding obstruction to the Universal Reality] that allows and reinforces in that reality - - - your essence in and with that of the Universal essence: where you can be a moment, where you can be in a movement; where you can view the moment, and/or where you can see {accepting and acknowledge mankind has a multitude of senses, but for this moment stating that seeing need not be as we currently perceive seeing as being through the sensory perspective, if you will} these types of moments separately or simultaneously; up close, personally and from afar, each as a whole or a collective.


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An unpretentious fraught response is the individual as a single unit and/or the collective that he/she belongs to as a whole must agree upon this reality acceptance unwarily, which is solely dependent upon humanities mindset becoming and being an actuality in beliefs and perceptions: In other words, accepting the artificial realism - - sort to speak, { is taken to be understood that when one settles on, or, in this particular frequency: such as, when and where that divide appears to be existing between music and noise; the when and where that divide is existing between thought and essence in the idea; and/or when and where that divide is existing between the two which is simultaneously living in the when and where that divide is existing in and between frequency - - light and dark, yes and no, here and there, off and on, a language and a noise, “The Lost of thee Will to Live and the Lost of thee Will to Die”- - - {[Such as accepting a conscientious state that allows a reality or a sense that all things either has a beginning and an end or a beginning or an end, or a beginning without an end or the culmination of an end, …}] ; Such as in the case when that divide is existing between the newly arrived upon thought within the idea and where that capacity to exceeds the reality bounded by and before the thought is demarcated will also be the when that divide is settled into/on which allows one to exceed limitations and restrictions held by the passing reality that is thwarting an existing to proceed to another eventuality which then can be acknowledged and then discarded…,


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..., Or for that line of thought desiring to sugar coat the rawness of this line of thinking which is to simply accept that our Twenty-First Century self-defined thought processes acknowledges, and, in most cases creates the yawning for each and every mental and physical existence levels in our being the inherent knowledge that violence or a radical departure of any kind is the rule and not the exception in our humanity's conceptions and perception and in that matter adoptive perspective--in other words, humanities' mindset cannot accept that which is continuous; humanities mindset can only evasion its self-defined thought processes in terms of that which is or can be demarcated; the discrete elements and attributes of an actuality, thus, an Universal existence and/or a consciousness cannot be independent of humanities mindset, if you will, sort to speak, . . . }, e.g., If and when each atom had its {own} existence, then the prospective events in humanities' mindset is that atom is seen as a structured event and thus, negating the particle's {own} self-actualization existence, thus, what is perceived to be a structure--when and where and if an individual element composing that atom decides to go elsewhere, only changes our own perspective on what that structure has become not the continuous actuality of that atom's consciousness - - such as: just because we think light goes on forever does not make it so; just because we think or believe that time is a Universal phenomenon measurement does not make it so, to take this one dimensional ahead and/or across, (if you will), just because we are unable to perceive that the past is in the present simultaneously with the future is in the present does not negate the event as indeed existing--in the unfragmented Universal Reality’s Consciousness.


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1.      As so termed and defined by humanity through its scientific community, the Twenty-First Century base universe along with and within its self-mental constructed reality consistently overlooks the Universal evidence that the truer Universe and Universal Reality is devoid of both sound and light--other than that which humanity has conditionally perceived both scientifically, psychologically and socially to be sound and light thus its definitional roots of sound and light are based within humanities own self esteem externalized created universe and reality that is internalized so as to produce the presently creating and sustaining what we are not--individual/units--among other elements which is consequently the overriding restriction to reaching Universal/Reality comprehension all of this is done in an attempt to limit humanities understanding and self-actualization to that which can only be describe as the blind man understanding of the whole, which is/was basically done by simply overlooking that perspective that we as an unit of one or as a collective of units are existing in and by humanities self-limiting, self-defined universe/reality and do so by negating the presence of the existing Universal/Reality existing within the {--or lack of a better opposite, versus saying no-light, which inherently would create a different type of opposite--} black light, as a result of simply overlooking the Universal/Reality perspective:


2.      That is to say, we do not have a measurement in, for and/or by that of the black light;


a.      Thus, the Twenty-First Century’s constructed base universe, which is rendering the misconstrued reality of and in self, is constantly overlooking the perspective that the measurement differences between that which is presently interpreted as the singularity of a black light and that which is presently interpreted as a black light versus a white light within the Twenty-First Century misconstrue baseless reality universe forces the conclusion for a null universe and the void reality, for example,


b.      Creating the scientific boundaries—{it is to be understood at this point that neither the scientific community and/or humanity as the whole cannot and will not allow a dual consciousness and/or a dual actualization to merge without a structured hierarchy centered in and upon the individual self or that of a collective self (one of many problems being the inability to influence the transitional period that occurs between the consciousness and the actualization completing the merger—simply because of their false investment in the truth avoidance {[The Universal Reality}]} for overlooking the perspective that light may indeed be both an humanity intrinsically objective consciousness coupled and interwoven within an extrinsically subjective inter/intra-mental construct consciousness with both an humanity internal and external existence in and of itself render self as a singularity and self as a member of collective in eligible for contemplation with a Universal Reality - - simply because, within these scientific boundaries reinforced with reward and punishment sanctions, rewards for those that upheld the stated view and of course the punishment for those that do not uphold the presented view, the notion that if light, as we so define and perceive light to be were to be an ongoing event, through what can be described as an white light eternity versus an black light eternity-or in the same line of reasoning as a thought proceeding through infinity;


3.      Then the intercept can be predicted to be a what-if, and when either lights actualize its consciousness - - which of these two lights ceases to be { perhaps, the more milder perspective would be--Which is the fastest, the speed of light or the speed of darkness, and/or {again, the self-investment issue} which goes the farthest, light or darkness } . . .


a.      Thus, another perhaps politer way of saying what has just been said (i.e., opposites exist (e.g., up, down, light, dark, left, right) which is humanity construct) is that without such societal misconceived faulty conditionally assumptions; does allow the view towards and does clear the pathway to the truism, interrelated, couched in terms, of the Being, in the consciousness existence, of the what is the Universal Reality when unobstructed.


b.      Or, to put this in other words, as a point of clarity, such assumptions can then only be accepted by humanity, only as existing after a rigorous scientific experimental procedural testing, and such processes must be acknowledged as being reliable and validating. And, then, if one simply does not distort the views and reviews of the interjected and artificially accepted conditional background history of self-worth being paramount for such results which are stating that the self-defining, limited and distorted scientific information that the Twenty-First Century base reality stems from and is constantly shown in their measurement as the consensus proofs. Unfortunately, for the truer reality, these artificial histories do include both the concept of Pi and the properties of a circle concurrently with that of a Flat World and One Continent Theory and Atlantis juxtaposition with the Mythological gods of Africa and the Middle East...America and Meso-America...Asia...Australia and Oceania...Europe...Did we miss anyone other than Atlantis’s conception of the given stated here…?


4.      And, so as to add injury to insult: Humanity has to mix, arrange and place these factors along with humanities/scientifically based mythological sense of time {as though the Big Bang and Singularity are conceptual times} without the equalization of consciousness of time, and of course, seeing present space as being only a shrouded singularity - - So shall we say ..., once again, perhaps, this Life is not the work in progress, as the construct of light may only exist within humanity, ....


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The once again, here is our 'Once Upon Time' events now occurring in the Twenty-First Century Realities only stating time and space existence as a formulated juxtaposition—[accepting for the moment that 21st Century realities is also claimed that neither time or space can actualize a conciseness independent of the other { in/and, or/of, either—take your immediate conscience pick}] random variables being present and non-present elements acting for and as the independent in a systematic framework used to structure experiences, which merely negates and quantifies the temporal past, current and future measurements convincingly for allowing humanity to wrongfully and falsely construct the non-random thought of think, e.g., that they once flew, or, thought they could be in several places at once, and exist at, or moved at, the speed of light.


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Again amid the entangling faults in the Twenty-First Century Science reality there still does exist structural evidence for supporting the Universal Reality - - this once purer, fuller reality: now merely a depleted shell that is; consistently distorted, suppressed, and containing only man-made false precepts of reality percepts embedded and integrated from either individual or collective constrained constructs of man-made time limiting concepts for the creation and maintenance of a self-defined conceptual form of omniscient, omnipotent, and, an omnipresent infinity.


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What conclusively are these obviously self-created; society-created objective and subjective realities embedded in the Twenty-First Century Science that has had a consistently manufactured flawed sanction reality base which is continually introducing the intrinsically and extrinsically inter/intra objectives and subjective perspectives that force an individual and its society, as a whole, to shun and to suspend the Universal Reality? Although the Twenty-First Century Science empirical collective conclusions point towards these self-created embedded suspensions that are simultaneously created to establish the psychological self-esteem extremes and societal rewards and punishment measures--a sensing element—to set up and reinforce an individual and a society gravitational pull toward the philosophical “me, myself and I” perceptional reality which is {an} undeniable, and an unavoidable demonstrated flawed because such a positional stances fail to see that this position is concurrently negating the conscious actuality which is in the Unified Universal Reality that is beyond and before both the Unobstructed Objective and Subjective Reality.


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Yes, there is a known individual/society self-created objective that harbors a flawed subjective non-existence inter/intra-mental construct - - all of which equates into - - that in either life, or in death - - neither life or death actively negate the faulty objective self-imposed human truisms of collectivism; comparisons, goals, individuality, measurements, objectives and subjective opposites, purpose, sensory, space, time truisms inserted in the sine qua non-Reality that reinforce the interrelated prima facie interdependence--upon a comprehendible self-dependence phenomenon when and where becoming {a} non-existence beyond and before thought - - the non-manageable. Or else, the human personified and conceptualized made-up definitive in the realities of the Twenty-First Century’s foundations could not have come into being with both the open-ended questions about its Universal existence simultaneously with the closed-ended absolute about its existence in Reality. Once again, what is/was the Original thought?


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… When does a Vibration have a Thought --- Does a Thought have a Vibration …


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Okay, at the risk of repeating, … There is something erroneous in the Twenty-First Century science base reality that does not repudiate but is sanctioning psychological and societal reward and punishing measures as the only acceptable buy into these active structural viewpoints, that - - in the loss, there is a non-presence. This demented, shortsighted perspective is then further reinforced through individual and social punishments that are both psychologically and esoterically sanctioned, and then cast into exoterically societally rewards so as to establish the unified yet inheritably apparent interdependence upon self-occurrence dependences realized in the display of a concurrent proof that negates there were social artificial construct maxims voluntarily inserted into the prerequisite truth: beyond and before thought;- - beyond and before the false utterance of the non-controllable interpersonal essence. Else, today's foundational science would not have come into being with only questions about its actuality, and no rules about its existence, i.e., permitting both the creationism and evolutionism to offer man-made created concepts, precepts, and assumptions, whereby neither is any more infallible than the other when tested; yet, simultaneously during testing yields a proof that God does not need to evidence a God's existence which simultaneously proves that within an unobstructed Universal Reality that there is an existence where I exist, and that we exist together yet coincidentally also proves that I rather than we might also reflect this same existence.


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Oh! But hold on, there is more to come, and it is not yet the worst to happen, … nothing by definition in the 21st Century Reality, which is socially, culturally, economically, and philosophically as well as other influences structured with rewards and punishments, equals a nothingness that is certainly conceptualized so as to allow self-consciously the means by which to not possess the abilities to forego but to accept {Wholeheartedly, if you will} the constraints and restraints attributed to that in the form of a {for lack of an immediate term} hierarchy in dominance with self-acting as and in the command hierarchy for the establishment of the non-Universal maintenance and reinforcement of the self-existence inside and outside of such possibility and probability, merely to reach a limited, restricted and self-established comprehension of and in a God {Reality, Essence} because in this type of {[self] nothing} reality we have the addition of a mental construct principle that acts as the base line in the certainty to forgo God being before and beyond thought; before and beyond comprehension; before and beyond a Universal sense of time and/or eternity and/or Universal sense of time in eternity and/or eternity actualization in time of and in consciousness, rather than the Universal eternity actualization of consciousness.


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These psychologically--constantly reinforced--physically and socially flawed externalized viewpoints within the individual are then religiously, economically, and philosophically forcibly Internalized into that which makes up humanity within the collective so as to allow humankind to aggressively overlook the underline forces for a being within an internalized and externalized being; such observational viewpoints which are nothing more than the results of humanity physically and socially artificial constructed point of existence only existing in mankind's sensory perceptions and limited mental conceptions which are a result of and in humanities misleading understanding of but a few limited sensory perception which can only allow and create a reality that can only negate rather than support any existence that account for any type of measurement, or speed, if you will, beyond the standard and or extended standard of Balance, Hearing, Pain, Sight, Smell, Taste, Temperature, Touch, and Vibration - - - and beyond nothingness--in reality—that is to say, an internalized and externalized objective and subjective actualized Reality consciousness. [{It seems that most of the humanity is trapped or will become trap at and/or stagnated in the nothingness vibration and consequently mistaking the nothingness of existence for either the silence or light waves and, thus, become unable to realize that the vacuum {which cannot exist} vibration is neither a directional path to either the silence, or light vibration and/or time vibration but merely a constant self-actualization vibration within its self-consciousness; thus, a selected pause allowed by the holder; which is only one path to which one can go beyond and/or understand an existence that consistently continues [in a] before, beyond and during the misinformed, self-created and indeed illogical humanity construct of time, which exists nowhere in the Universal {one} Reality or for that matter the Universal Collective Realities, simply because it is self-centered within the supposedly known 3%; thus, illogically shunning the greater 97%.}].


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The Twenty-First Century Reality Sciences are constantly reinforcing these types of flaws, and the results are as to be expected - - that is, the filling in of the physically and socially artificial blank constructed point of existence which are inherent in the Twenty-First Century base reality--which is to say; that these self-serving Twenty-First Century physically and socially false reality blanks which are not deemed blanks in a Universal Realness is the same expectation one might expect when one's existence and understanding is embedded in 'surviving the moment' where and if one were to assess the equating of a reality that is on par with what might be an ant's physical and conceptualized understanding of this Universe and that ant's viewpoints on what is the core of the earth as the juxtaposition reality to our physical and imagined understanding of the Universe that we think we understand or live within today...which is to say; who is to say, and, by what means do we say and measure a single atom, or, that such an individual molecule makeup composition lacks what we currently term consciousness, and/or, present presence.


1.      Which is essentially asking: When, why, what, how, and where is it detectable and by whom-humanity, the ant, or the atom?


a.      {[The question is not whether we are alone, but, why are we alone which is consequently depending on why the question is being asked because we might summarize that we have never been alone, but allowed to be confused by our simplest and irrational understanding as to why we ask such questions given the evidence surrounding us and the question and/or the fact no one in the past or present has been able to successfully answer the question--to split infinitive into the situation {…Something like hoping for the best and praying for the rest …}. For that matter, why would you trust their answer given that they too have evolved through the same human experiences as you have via a biological junction and perhaps through (a) metaphysical conjunction thus will not have any better position by which to produce a universal answer as do you?


b.      {[(A brief side note-For the moment-overlooking the fact that time is a self (vested) determination, that is, what you and I might see, feel and think is time is not the same as a Universal sense of time {Given if such an existed or could exist for a purpose other than a measurement of foolishness}, and/or for that matter the physic [{acknowledging what we term and deem to be such a procedure can easily be understood to only exist within our state of determination}] you and I employ we might imagine is not the same physic [assuming that we could also imagine] that an ant would employ especially given what we can observe {on a given limited and restrictive basis} of an ants behavior or lack thereof, …}]).


2.      Thus, an more eminent question could be just where does Humanity place those additional assumptions that are combined so as to create the reinforced factual existences within the other 21st Century Science Major Flaws; for example,


a.      Those actions and/or perceptions which are allowing and are defying Humanity as being defined on and in between the simplest id, ego and superego along with the many external fostering delimiting factors within Humanity to thinking that the Universe can be measured {and/or comprehend in some cases} by implying and inferring from and by any off the wall type of guessing process from the 3% of what is thought to be known is akin to the dark age thinking and believing our sun is the center of the Universe, which is to otherwise state;


b.      Humanity as the individual, Humanity as the group is relegated to being merely a composite of the falsely held belief and thinking that there is indeed an id, ego superego, thus relegated to the physical realizations of an internal stimulus, thus, a reinforcement of a one-way destiny to never being able to evolve beyond predictable reaction and/or movements betwixt in between defensible physical proactive stimulus as an individual versus that of a group, which accounts for the hindrance in processing the ability to hold and or process continuous and simultaneous thoughts which have allowed 21st Century Science the falsification processes in being able to measure the Universe from the so-called known 3%. Disregarding for the moment the Id, ego, superego limiting dichotomy or the misperception that we have to obtain and attain the abilities to measure the Universe from within a 3% perspective which is akin to stating that our sun also has an id, ego, and superego and thinks it is the center of the Universe.]}.


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Therefore, the actualization conscious within the non-existence of a negation actualization in a Universal Reality - - Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! Is this termed nothing by definition in the 21st Century Reality? … Yet, and in and by a Universal Reality Standard this is neither a negative or a positive existence - - Furthermore, yet, by definition in the 21st Century Reality existing is an existence in an mentally, physically and some might say spiritually sense reality whereby in and as a Universal Reality claims this would be an unjust reality which occurs when facts are forced into an individual/collective (self) definition to conclude that we are but a this or that and/or maybe a simple particle in space: Or, we exist in a self-imposed reality; Perhaps, in this type of a 21st Century Reality we exist between the spaces betwixt a single atom's electron, proton, and neutron; Yet, living still in a self-imposed, self-reality so as to continually negate any other, or, perhaps cancel out any other truer reality not reinforcing a self-imposed reality existence being the results of a computational formula where we are only able to conceive of a self-imposed electromagnetic concept of God; or, an s/he has to look like us type of a God {[We are accepting the functional and foundational assumptions here as being: Once one steps beyond and before the accidental this and the evolution of that, the misperceived trapping Universe and the misguided reality it encompasses, we can then enter into the realm of not just what has always been but what continues to be regardless of manipulation as for this then become the actualization within an actualization process without the self-being-inserted.]}.


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Once again thee Twenty-First Century base science reality is leaving us with only the constantly forced and reinforced punishment and rewarded self-vested/collective vested-perceived reality {... Or, else such physics would have been used to create and prove that thought is the only means of traveling throughout and within the Universal Reality, ...} which consistently lacks the insight and pathway into and yes, within the original thought {..., yet, constantly forcing and reinforcing punishments and rewards towards creating the direct path into the unknown and the non-manageable by negating that which cannot be known in senses as being the prescribed, ascribed answer in both attaining and obtaining the definitive and absolute reality through the processes of simultaneously negating God in the unknown and through that which cannot be known (beyond the senses) and/or controllable}—thus, the absence of the absolute essences within the original thought, such as in an existence actualization—that is, the constant that does exists is the more warranted punishment and rewarded realistic perceptional justification as to why God cannot be comprehended which is the only constant devoid of self and thus worthy of understanding and of Universal Reality importance’s.


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         An evolving and always accelerating question becomes and/or became: Did Humanity, or, why did Humanity, rather was it out of the self/societal fear, and/or, the self/societal ignorance of 'might makes right' instill in the not knowing what constituted the 97% in the unknown the starting point when Humanity - - In that self-created "once upon a time" type of an environment - - agree to a self-imposing internal and external perceptional awareness construct to be placed and is being placed upon every male and every female, which is/are so as to continuously create and reinforce the means to believe and to think socially, psychologically and philosophically in self/societal-defining concepts, that are metaphysically, politically and religiously constituting an mental intrinsic construct in an extrinsic consciousness that is restricted and defined by its opposites and/or lack thereof of an opposite for the self-existence of and in a reality, which reinforces and subsequently, creates a sensual situation between a 'This had to be That' and 'We were biological, culturally - - ethnically, [if you will], legally, philosophically, metaphysically [if you will], politically, and religiously molded into the self/societal conscientiously prerequisite, [if you will] so as to allow amorphous psychologically and socially to morphosis into a self-societal 'dehumanized' type of a self-actualizing metaphysical reality:


         {([Skipping past the obvious when, where, how, and why we were legally dehumanized})]?


         {The additional major flawed assumptions are combined here to create the use of such false assumptions as;


         Id, Ego, Superego: ({[Thereby, limiting Humanity's understanding of itself, thereby creating the groundwork for and/or the manifesting of false assumptions that are used for attempting to measure [the so called] know Universe from within the [so called ] know 3% of the Universe which is allowing among other such primary flaws the misdirected self-esteem ability to create and allow as well as sanction a false logic for an ongoing cloak reality, {[in other words, using this type of ill-gotten logic one could live within the assumption that such logic allows one to live safely within the said logic by stating and reaffirming to themselves that they are 'living today as if it were yesterday'} for example;


         When action and/or perception is allowed that is defying Humanity as being defined on and in between the concocted simplest id, ego, and superego as one of the major factors in determining the essence of what is Humanity, which in turns is to continually fosters delimiting Humanity, and, thus, re-establishes the thinking that the Universe can be measured and known from a false inferring and self-vesting guessing process;


         That is, within the claimed 3%, of what is thought to be known is akin to the dark age, thinking and believing that our sun is not only the center of the Universe, it is also the center of existence,]}) … which is, to otherwise state--Humanity, as defined and described in an individual and/or as identified and outlined in a group, is/are relegated to being merely a composite mirror of the 'polarity of opposites' in the false definition and unfounded id, ego superego within the civilization;


         ({[…, the simplified versions are…, thus, accepting both the ethics, and morality transitory human construct to control both the individual and Humanity's will to need and want to explore beyond individual, collective, and self-judgmental consequence, thus, 21st control which is a control that leadeth to a lost opportunity for the Universal Reality of and in existence. )]} the person/group and its Humanity, each when viewed independently, or, as a collective is and are relegated to the physical reality of an artificially self-created stimulus;


         Which is again to say that mankind, as thus far defined and described with the Twenty-First Century based reality and Universe, is/are traveling towards a one-way destiny which is never to be able to evolve beyond predictable reaction and/or movements in between defensible proactive physical stimulus within an individual and therefore is woefully lacking what is presently deemed mental evolvements as an individual or as a group [when viewed from the self-created individual/humanity's id, ego, superego concoction], which thus, creates and accounts for the hindrance in processing the ability to hold and/or process simultaneously multiple thoughts which have been disallowed, and subsequently reinforced in the 21st Century Sciences through the falsification processes of being able to measure and comprehend the Universe from the known 3%.}.[{Or else, we could all confine our thinking and thought existence processes by accepting such [...that which might today be considered] far out realities as all that we know, see, accept as fact based on trial, and errors and/or a ridge scientific (—in as far as what we have come to know and declare is determined to be scientifical) experimental methodological process that is concluding in the where with all that it merely adds up to that which we now know and call a single simple cell {which is to say That cell or the atoms that make up that cell would have to communicate beyond the fixed point or structure of the atoms or the cell and/or each atom of the cell; the cell as a whole or parts obtain and/or achieves consciousness simultaneously in or in part} existence in something;


         Or, perhaps, it might add up to a single existence within a single atom.}].


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Twenty-First Century Science base realities are consequently leading humanity toward the same ratio understanding in its individual/collective essence as an ant has of its' equating understanding - - of its' reality as we--within our association in judgement [ - - as conceived within our perspective - - ] - - that ratio being the ant's understanding, or lack thereof, of not only proportions, or abstractness or self but the earth joined oceans, being and perhaps, with any luck, that ant's understanding of the universe as a whole with an intervention to allow for the differences existing in and between the land and waters, of course, foregoing and negating all the what is above and below the earth possibilities - - sort to speak; of course, conditioned upon accepting, if the means were available for humanity to understanding such a ratio: Thus, we can make a quick statement which is Twenty-First Century Science base reality is both avoiding and negating the corrective path in the Universal conventional perspective and understanding of a Reality's 'Polarity of Opposites' simply to reinforce a self-made and yet knowingly a false mental construct of an universal-reality in existence, which results and achieves something like asking a single ant does it see itself as an ant, and if so what is its world/universal views,- - from its perspective vis-à-vis with how wide and how deep is the ocean versus - - How wide and how deep is the Universe via its defined conceptual forms in relation to omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, time, space, infinity, - - - In other words; establishing the period in which a self-limited reality has or can maintain the wherewith all by which to conceive of a God beyond or before this constricted human reality and this restricted human consciousness.


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Always A Student

--- Omitting, at this moment, the required authorities and/or authoritative sources---:

- - When you have created a Start, you have defined an End - - thus, negating all Existences; Meanings; and Purposes that can be held within were you to have not created a start; - - Why- - a Start defines the What, When, Where, and a How as determined by a Who which equals an attempt to create a false reality in the Existences; Meanings; and Purposes of the purer truisms existing before thought and beyond thee thought that are devoid of self-comprehension - -


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Echoing back to underline the speculated premise, which might go somewhat as follows: - - Thought is a reflective process, God cannot be nor can God have thought as God does not need nor does God become reflective upon (its/him/her) - - self, i.e., God can equal all, but All[ness] in its totality cannot equal God's totality, for in God to be God what he is, or "think" is and thus, God cannot be thought. So what is the original thought that God allowed occurring in humanity that allowed the man-made self to distort so as, to think that an individual/collective self has or had a purpose--which can only be an artificial, delusional, self-vested purpose since one neither has the means by which to control one's awareness, when and where one is existing nor is aware of what brought one's self into being, what that being's duration is upon any tangible {of if you will non} foundation, without even mentioning a mental or spiritual foundation each which has its own inherent delusional and illusionary ramifications and implications--? And, if there was thee purpose; who, what, how, when, where, and why did humankind distort it into this water-down version of reality where there are only questions with no definitive answers? {[Of course, it is to be understood, that the reasoning and the placement of these questions are to avoid, the following: … Other than dirt it seems that ---fish feed on plankton, bacteria, and other fishes; insects feed on vegetation, bugs, and other insects; bugs feed upon vegetation, insects and themselves; fowl feed upon insects, bugs, vegetation and upon themselves; animals feed on vegetation, insects, bugs, fowls, and upon themselves, were as humans feed upon, …, well you get the picture… Thus, the augment for this human conceived and perceived existence rather than attempting to project a more heightened understanding of the purpose{s} for its existence need to state more clearly that this existence feeds upon its self, and thus there is not {a} grander enlightenment than seeing that past, and present proclamation of being unique is the clearly defined reasoning for why this existence has neither a purpose nor a justifiable reason for continuing to exist beyond its self-vested and collective vested reasoning to think that this existence needs to exist, or else we are back understanding that one’s past and future is one’s present existence.}]


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Twenty-first-century base reality remains against all factual evidence unabated in its pursuit towards leading humanity into the self-epitomized, yet inescapable, conclusions that humanities possess the absolute sense perceptions and conceptions—even though the evidence presented for these conclusions are constantly being proven, thus far, to be both a self and a collective deception, riddled with self-vested and collective vested faults and failures in an unattaining and useless goal attempt to create a hierarchy of human achievements within a uniquely falsely created self-reality in understanding and importance. That is to say, taking this from the raw into a more polished in-and-around-about way would equate to not something but everything man-woman-humanity-made or man-woman-humanity defined contains and lacks the essence of all that is and/or all that can be known or comprehended, thus, the answer to all that is or can be proposed - - - i.e., outside of self and collective humanity's senses of perception and conception- - -; any measurement creates an artificial start- - -; thus, the foundation of understanding and importance is greatly a misstep in humanities first step to perceive and conceive a Universal Reality- - -; mankind cannot conceive that which Is continuous- - -; another of mankind failures- -; thus, a lost opportunity into the Universal Reality---; humanity as a whole, individually and/or collectively, cannot perceive or conceive God - - -another primary humanity’s fault, thus, no perceivable entrance into a Universal Reality- - -;. The reality in Twenty-First Century Science has proven that any physical is defined by humanities sense perceptions, which does not mean that it has an existence anywhere but in humanities mental conceptions; which mean that it does not have an existence anywhere but in humanities self-imposed and continually forced, reinforced through rewards and punishments the limited, distorted human constricted and restricted self-invested/collective invested-reality made perceptional sense consciousness.


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A God's reality could, would and might be defined in a way that would link humans' perceived worldviews, or parts of them, to achieve the totality of all things; structures, events and phenomena, whether observable or not; thus, sanction for the unobstructed Reality to achieve a worldview based on individual and/or shared human experiences to attain all and nothing concurrently, which is allowing for a multiverse structural unity.


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Let you and me clarify the Whereas ---, such as, this Twenty-First Century reality has amassed conceptions and perceptions of a universe, up to the point of being able to determine its rotational cycles that neither offers - - inter/intra - - intrinsically or extrinsically objective or subjective evidence into the how and more importantly where these observations and computations were devised before and beyond thought, all of which underscores that there is something wrong in this reality.


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Which is to say; before and beyond truisms having been distorted only to allow and to accept being {[the self-interest, the self-invested]} as the base foundation in both scientific and mythological information in which and from which this reality is and was devised; in that this human' perceived worldviews now is taken as fact in both individual and collective humanity conceptions and perceptions of humanities mindset functioning in a self-defined, artificial realism universe internalized and externalized in a false collective of restrictions and Pi bonding, all of which is rooted in a ‘once upon time’ one continent and/or Flat World Theory of existence and/or of the universe.


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Among another of the many major pitfalls in the Twenty-First Century reality has been--is and are--the constant negating of the Universal Actualization in Consciousness, Universal actualization in comprehension, and the Universal actualization in existence, which act and process as both the independent and dependent variables in both the perception and conceivable structure to accept as fact that time and/or space lack an existence apart from the human mind which led us to think that both time and space are a matter of common - - sense; which has and is resulting in a need and want to believe--inter/intra--intrinsically and extrinsically - - that man-made self-objects persist across time and/or space rather than accepting time and space is existence in and of itself - - thus, having an awareness apart from the human mind. {[Among the other 21st Century major false pitfalls reality assumptions--which will not be discussed here as they are in the line of assumption, such as God has to have human attributes, to address those characteristics that we may or may not have seen in various species parenting skills, yet simultaneously, we are also to understand that parents do not raise their children to kill, but: to kill to survive, a fact we see in nature every day whereby the only element in surviving is eating (Or, The next time you think you are essential or know it all, try explaining the origin of your thought to yourself and others.). Other not to mentioned false reality assumptions not to be mentioned here are in that line of assumption: such as, Why would you conceive and perceive that you materialize out of billions of molecular and atoms to a specific form called human but have no plans by which to sustain existence, but a willingness to accept a human construct within a false existence, just so that you can claim reasoning in purpose to substantiate your existing and being, where and when was it inherently understood that there would be a purpose other than an acceptance of a false purpose that you have adopted to negate the fear and sense of being alone, existing and sustain a false existence. And, of course, the other false major pitfalls reality assumptions--which will not be mentioned and/or discussed here but in passing are in the same line of assumption, such as: Why only when you have neither the will to live nor the will to die do you become a purpose with boundaries if and when all that surrounds you is perfect then why would you think or feel that there is a first and a last, a want and a need for a purpose and the reasoning behind the creation of that biological functions other than the fraudulent purpose which is to maintain a foundation in the physical.]}


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So it would seem from the perceived unobstructed reality point of view that present Twenty-First Century reality is continuously supporting and not negating the deducing of the Universe by pure human mindedness, to allow the supporting and accepting of time and space as not having consciousness, comprehension or existence apart from the human mind which then does not allow for the supporting of those senses in which one thinks and/or feels he or she has the same option of being the person they were yesterday, when and if they were to perceive themselves as both an independent and dependent object and variable in space and time; thereby acknowledging the limitations of the human mindset that is accepting the Twenty-First Century mindset of knowledge that does not come from the senses - - thus, creating the demarcation betwixt the substance and the distinction in the essence, which then allows for an independent existence of the act of being outside one's body; the act of being beside oneself and the notion of having been {for example} able to fly now is contained in the same existence in reality as that of space and time.


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Therefore (--again from the perceived unobstructed reality point of view--) where space [physically and mentally] is the independent variable upon time {and/if/ when} the coexistence dependence is the object, negates thought as an object in time, and space as an object of thought which underlines the pitfall; between the demarcation betwixt the substance and the distinction in the essence which here again is that of not accepting time, and/or, space as the existence in and of itself, along with (an if) and only when time is the dependent variable upon space…which is the polite way to say that memory is cultivated but is soon to be discovered is only acting as a distorted selected reality. Attainable if and when it is needed to reinforce a current existence which will then maintain the universal sense of oneness in the misguided attempt to justify humankind's request in the illusional sense of time and space. That memory of any kind is but the delusional creation of humanity to establish a reference point of time- -rather than accept the universal and the time and time has again proven fact- -that there is no time but missed informed self/collectively accepted made up illusional time: Which reinforces the foundation that there is indeed no past, present or future unless you take such references points as existing as one, in a Universal Oneness…


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--- A Moment In Silence …

When Silence Is A Vibration —Silence Is A Moment In A Thought

When A Vibration Is A Thought —Silence Is A Thought In A Moment

… Silence In A Moment ---


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Easily illustrated in the structural formation of a when and where humanity has seen the results of the modern-day Twenty-First Century Science world-reality being of use, but in self-created outcomes - - which is only achieved once correctly conditioned - - {--that is, there are some who believe and think that humanities’ sole purpose is to survive [regardless if this reference application is directed toward either an individual or group(s)]; Yet, unfortunately, this positional statement is often stated while precluding the question of why? In why must humanity survive and for what reasoning would such a survival yield--} that is, the constant use of the self-replicating foundation which is based in the self-expectations of what is also to be observationally expected; the making of a decision on and in the 3% thought of the known; the avoiding and/or overlooking of the 97% thought not to be known--Least we forget that the non sequitur conclusive results may be the correct and logical path to follow in the Unknown 97%--: It is not the hitting of one's head constantly against the wall that equals the madness, it is the thinking in the assumption that there is a wall.


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Or, to structure this in other words, such results of the modern-day Twenty-First Century Science world-reality is only observable in the dependence of and on usage of the catch-all word - - phase for any unknown in humanity is God; - - i.e., when and if there is no God-force of, and in a God-authority, humankind would have to create a God - - or, seemly create that which possess a power-force-authority as deemed, again, by definition attributed to that which only can then be named God so as to live in this world - - universe - - reality because without there being a God--force of God-authority, life as thusly defined would be too scary to live within.


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Again, the whereas; when and where silence is being accepted and reinforced as an original thought, i.e., allowing silence to be both an individualized perception and a common conception, creates an illusionary human-made structure necessity concept for understanding a human-made reality design.


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All of which is seemly highlighting the maintenance and reinforcement of an opposite silence entity in a Universal Reality which would not be noise: Yet, even within a self-made silence its reflective qualities; conception and perception yield a fuller perspective when and where the adoption and acceptance perspective goes as follows: A fragment [aspect, if you will] of the original thought [before it was convoluted] was that this is not either a self or a collective reality - - thus, this is not humanities reality; a self or a collective mental construct is not a reality - - in that neither a person or a collective had a part in creating, expanding or maintaining the Universal Reality, either yesterday, today or in a tomorrow; All of which {[in]} itself might be equated as such: Even if an ant's reality is true of what significance would it's reality be imparted upon humanities distorted senses of realities and for that matter because of mankind's self-distorted, based on a self-vested reality reinforced via punishments and rewards in humanity would the opportunity be realized in humanity of a truer reality existing in any reality; {[Let us underscore The Twenty-First Century's {Science} Reality base, … Let us for the sake of argument accept that it is a given: That if 97% of the universe is unknown, and/or better put, dark, and than 21st Century Reality base existence is making claims upon the universe -- ) from the 3%, and/or better put from that part of the universe that is supposed to be, or thought of as being, within the light, any and all that you state as a truism from that point of view such as the physic associated within this contruct in that 3% is appropriate for elsewhere in the universe other than in your own mental conceptions and perceptions, that is given that what your mind conceived is an objective from this point of view may or may not be appropriate in any other place than in your own individual and yeah collective mind sets, and/or simply put, given that we certain have no absolute on what is life, especially since we are yet to explain its so called deemed opposite encounter than how are we any more able than that of the ant in terms of if the ant has a conception and/or structure sense of and for physic how does that physic impact in the physic of humankind, if at all, which if any is true, or universal, given that mankind is yet to conceive of the universe and/or existense beyond a fixed point, let say for arugment sake once again, in the example, of an universe and/or existense within the range of 12 to 15 billion years, when in fact we are only using mankind's mathematical physics determination within that 3% which equates to the ant's physics and let's further say, since we are dealing with a limited mind, that being the human mind, which cannot even fathom a universe and/or universal, that may have no sense of time and thus may have been existing zillions of years prior to whatever mankind came up with as a when existence, universe, universal begun.]} For even if one ant and/or all ants were to achieve a collective consciousness of what significance would that part to a false self-collective individual's consciousness and/or group of people in this universe that are sharing this same false consciousness [{Thus, the value and differences between humanities self/collective defined conception, and perception of its purposes in the universe is the same value and differences as that of an ant--none existing.}].


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For even when or, better yet, if humanity were to attain time travel--by some means - - outside of thought - - of what significance would it part to or in a universe that was self-created; other than canceling out the question of where else in the Universe could such a concept apply? - - Of course such a concept would only apply when and where God is not conceivable; Only when and where God would have to be both before and after thought and beyond comprehension; simply, because anywhere else would be a faulty man-made perceptive realities, thus, not based on or in any Universal Reality or Universal Facts, which might be but a conceivable dust particle in the truer Universe or simply an item in an atom in God's reality; Or, perhaps the humanity made realities is forced into rather actualized into the awareness that there are no atoms in God's world/Universe(s); simply, because this conception that we subscribe - - of a reality - - to as an actuality, in the Universal Reality had to come after a first thought and as an answer to does silence have a vibration? - - i.e., we can only seek and/or obtain a sensory truth/reality in the areas between these two extremes; thus, a limited search of any Reality that is within a non-universal truth, or else we would have known that the First Thought is/was not knowing, - - ... .


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… Dream in a Reality --- A Dot In Reality …


Reality Equals The Square Root of Time

Divided by the Speed of A Thought


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